A Jewish, a Christian and a Muslim aspirated a determinated graduate public charge. The three in a disputated contest they recruited the approval. The nominations, after months, were happened in the instances of the administrative administration!
The trio before the success and success felt to noble mission of thanking to the All Powerful (creator of the skies and of the earth). The disputes and conquer, the few units of vacancies, albeit it would deserve a special prayer of gratitude and recognition.
The Christian, in the church, expressed the faith “God! All Powerful! Thank you, through Jesus Cristo, by such blessing and grace! I in a future date will accomplish my penitence! I will seek of knees and in prayers to go up this whole immense access staircase to the sacred temple!”
The Jew in the synagogue manifested the faith “Javé! God of my ancestrals! I thank by conquering more special slice of the Promised Land! I want to continue tends the blessing and force to walk fast to put to supplant the disaffections!”
The Muslim, in the mosque, revealed the gratitude: “Alá! Oh magnificent and magnanimous god! Thank you for such I thank! The approval was one more victory amid the many! The kindness and charity do not have limits and borders in your hands!”
The faiths in the more intimate of the soul orientate the behaviors and steps of the mankind. The people in spite of accentuated them and many differences aspirate the identical purposes. The financial interests covered of having pilfered religious ends are main cause of atrocity and wars.
Author: Guido Lang
Book: “Simple Fragments of the Stories of the Daily of the Existences”
Translator: Leandro Matias Müller
Crédito da imagem: http://noticias.gospelmais.com.br/datafolha-brasileiros-fe-deus-torna-pessoas-melhores-61436.html
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